
SONAR Leadership Workshop in Kelowna



Tue, Feb 9th, 2016


8:30 am


SONAR Leadership: An incredible 1-Day Leadership training experience

This powerful 1-day workshop features memorable exercises, providing participants with a potent and professional toolkit to assist them in making the shift to today’s critical new reality: the fact that our workplaces have changed with new rules and new languages. SONAR Leadership teaches powerful concepts of communication and dialogue - demonstrating to supervisors at every level the importance of connecting with their employees and really listening to what they hear. Just as a SONAR does, they must be able to accurately interpret that information. Get it wrong or ignore the sound of approaching danger and you have a problem. The assumption that a good manager is also a good leader is a fable from yesterday. Leadership today is about influence. This workshop charts the course for those who attend to take bold steps into tomorrow’s workplaces and equips them to be successful leaders, make a significant difference for those around them and achieve outstanding results in their organizations. Think back to the Titanic. That unsinkable ship was not sunk by the top of the iceberg lurking in the North Atlantic Ocean. It was sunk by the piece of the iceberg that couldn’t be seen. The part below the waterline. When we examine organizational behaviour, the actions of employees represent the physical aspect of an organization that is tangible, that is visible, but in fact it makes up a very small percentage (10% in the case of the average iceberg) of what is really going on. The important part of the organization is invisible to the naked eye. Today’s ever changing workplaces play host to an ever changing generation of employees, all of whom have different motivations and expectations from you as a leader. Register today to book your seat!


Sandman Hotel Kelowna

2130 Harvey Ave, Kelowna



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